Monday, October 10, 2011

Exam Notecards - Clinical Science Written by Sam, Assisted By Vsevolod

Sam: Notecards for the exam.... we should type them as the review.
Vsevolod: How the fuck the teacher did not activate the quiz? It should take her 15 min to activate it, (she had since Wednesday) that's like she wanted to teach us a lesson. Albeit, the 'lady' is in total control of the class, she is the superior. And the quiz was the demonstration of her superiority.Ugh. Why she is so primitive? She reminds me of a man in Huntsville who told me: "Do us all a favor and never become a scientist". This ugly phrase still haunts me, Sam.
Sam: Yes... you get neurotic; calm down.  Besides, she probably does not like you much. She tolerates best. I remember her hollow look in the face when you asked questions. Remember, we must pass the class, get a job, pay bills. Plus, we are after the useful information regardless of a person who presents it. So calm the fuck down. As, far as the Hutnsville guy, who gives a flying fuck what he said? People say things all the time. Ugly things too. If you get nervous about it you make guys like him win.
Make good grades. Work hard. Survive.

Vsevolod: Yes... sorry. You are absolutely right. The instructor has good, and bad sides.  I have a good and  a bad sides. You have a good and a bad sides.  We learned some of the both. That's absolutely normal.

Here we go.
1.   Melanin: gives urine a skin color
2.   Homogenistic acid: metabolite of phenylalanine
3. Glucose Tolerance Test: check glucose and ketones at a varied time (2h - quick check)
4. Glucolysis in urine: degreases the content of glucose in Urine; digests it albeit chemical reaction
5. Decreae in Carbon Dioxide: Urease enzyme Multiply, bacterial multiplication
6. Rapignost: Ascorbic Acid Detection, may affect the chemical reactions due being a chemical reagent
7.Specific Gravity: measures dissolved solutes concentration;
8. Specific Gravity Range:  1.005-1.040
9. Specific Gravity:  1.000 water
10.Specific Gravity: Non Valid Physiologically - 1.040
11. Albumin: low in urine; majority is not filtered; it is a major protein in plasma; Dipstick method is sensitive to albumin
12. Globulin:  activates the immune response
13. Controls: substances with a known values
14. Tablet:  Valid for Incotest Clinitest
15. Chemical Details of Controls in the lab. Name 3:  Purchase time, Daily Performance, Check integrity
16. Reagent Strip Technique 3 characteristics:  A well mixed specimen; quckly removed, not interchngeable between manufacturers
17. Proper Testing Technique 3 characteristics: A well mixed specimen mixed into urine at room temperature, Excess should removed. Color should be read at a correct time to avoid cuntamination so never use the original collection.
18. Diabetes (general)  Glucose-Insulin Metabolism is not working properly.
19. Diabettus Melittis. in relationship with urine: increases the level of glucose in the blood
20. Diabettus Insipedus: in relationship with urine: lack of Andiuretic Hormone so the fluids build up due an exsessive intake - specific gravity decreases
21. Ionic Solutes: measures our concentrating ability
22. pH ranges for urine: 4.5 - 8 a conventional normal range. Most common: 5-6. High Protein:  5-6 - meat eaters; vegetarians: Urine is Alkaline;  Improperly Preserved urine produces ammonium: pH may go to 9 - or a medication with a high alkaline content
23. Clinical Correlation in Urinalysis: 2 components:  Kidney Reabsorbption/Secretion; Urinary Tract Infections
24. Oxalates in Urine: Lead to Stones
25. Urinary Tract Infections: albeit the acidic conditions - bacteria do not multiply in acidic conditions
26. Dipstick pH 2 characteristics  - double indicator system: Bromothymol Blue -and Methyl Red; Color changes from orange to blue; pH is measured from 5 to 9
27. What is the color in urine means? 4 characteristics -  progress of disease; metabolic profile, ingestion of food, physical activity/ stress
28. Normal Color In Urine:  yellow - clean may be darker - amber;
Urine Characteristic Colors and a unique component.
29.   Darkened Color: due oxidation
30.  Brown:  disentigrated Red Blood Cells
31. Pink:  Porphyrins
31. Cloudy Red: Red Blood Cells - not disintegrated
32. Red: High Hemoglobin Content
33. Green or Blue Urine: bacterial infection;  Pseudomonas,  Beliverdinv
34. Amber: Hemoglobin breakdown dehydration oxidation of bilirubin dehydration may be normal
35. Porphyrins: Pigments from heme synthesis

Important proteins

36.  Urobilin:  oxidation of product of urobilinogen
37. Urierythrin: a pink components (physical characteristic) Refrigeration cause a precipitation of amorphous crystals
38.  Urochrome: A product that gives urine it's color metabolism is it's product  excreted through teh kidneys
39. Pyridium - an orange component of urine
40 A major organic component of urine: Creatinine and uric acid
41. Tamm Horsfall Protein: produced by the kidney tubules
Characteristics of Urine Proteins and More Proteins
42. Proteinuria: too much protein in urine; requires a further testing, increased amount of a low molecular weight proteins; protein is not filtered;  more then 30 mg/dl excretion
43. Bence Jones Protein: electrophoresis - dissolves at 100 Degrees Celsius; Precipitates at 40-60 degrees Celsius
44.  Renal Proteinuria: renal disease
45.Glomerular proteinuria: glomerular membrane is damaged due an abnormal substances;
46. Tubular Proteinuria: Tubular Reabsorption is damaged, increased albumin is present; a presence of toxic substances, a Falconi Syndrome
47. Microalbinuria: diabetic neuropathy
48.Functional Proteinuria: happens due a strenuous exercize

Protein tests

49. Dipstick: sensitive to albumins only a trace is needed <30 mg/dl protein error of indicators
50. SSA: Alkaline, backup for dipstick, reacts with all proteins, false positive - radiographic dyes; precipitation, centrifugation is important
50. IMMUNODIP: Color Change albumin antibody binding

Urine Reactions:
51. Urine to Ammonia: Increase in pH
52. Iron  3+ : oxidation product of Iron
53. Clarity Decreases: As bacterias multiply albeit chemical rections release of proteins

Storage of Urine
54. Storage rules: protection from light, chemicals, moisture; at room temperature- 2 hours
24 hours: cooler at 3-5 Degrees Celsius. DO NOT FREEZE

Vsevolod: This section may not be on the exam. I did not learn it well. But it might be. So, I include it.


55.  Leukocyte Esterase-   inside the white blood cells
56. Trichomonas yeast associated with leukocytes
57. Most common leukocyte - neutrophil
58. Infections which characterize leukocytes: Urinary Tract Infections Kidney Infections;
59. The tests that measures leukocytes: Colored Diazonium Salt produced by an enzyme action. Detects 10-25 WBC/microliter; 2 min wait time; does not measure concentration
60. False Positives of Leukocytes: Oxidizing agents of formalin; vaginal discharge contamination
61. False Negatives: specific gravity increases glucose increases cells crenate

62. Bacteria: reduce nitrate to nitrite
63. Incubation:  4 hour inbubation of urine in the bladder for reaction to occur
64. Bacterial Infections: Urinary Tract Infections caused by nitrate reducing gram negative bacteria
65. Griess Reaction: diazotization non quantifiable
66. Bladder infections:  Cystitis - detected via the Nitrite Test
67. False Positive: pyridium or dye leads to an improper storage of dye
68. False Negative: Not enough nitrate Ascorbic Acid Nitrate reduces to nitrogen

Red Blood Cells
 Immune System

69.  Immune System function: remove foreign agents, aged, damaged cells
70. Life Cycle of Red Blood Cells: 120 days
71. Hemoglovin 3 parts: Heme: porphyrin globin protein iron: transferrin

Liver Cells Billirubin

72. Beliverdin: converts to water insoluble billirubin; green componentr
73. Direct billirubin - water soluble travels from bile duct to small intestine
74.Normal Billirubin: trace amounts
75. Increased Billirubin: Liver Disease Cirrhosis

Sam: You miss section on tests for Billirubin and the whole Billirubin Metabolism. That's your next section.

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